Divine Love: European Experiences with Shrii Shrii Anandamurti

Divine Love: European Experiences with Shrii Shrii Anandamurti. Only available for shipping within the USA. 

This collection of personal experiences by more than seventy European disciples of tantric master Shrii Shrii Anandamurti will take you on an unforgettable journey of love, laughter, and spirituality. Enter the real-life stories of these devotees, and you will experience a direct spiritual connection to this attractive personality so loved and admired by countless people worldwide.

We were escorted inside by two airport policemen. They told us they had strict orders to escort us out again as soon as the food had been delivered. . . . Then, to our surprise, Baba said: let’s go for a short field walk. So off we went with two utterly dumbfounded Danish policemen as bodyguards behind us. They did not even dare to protest when three more margiis miraculously showed up to join our colorful parade.

paperback Price: $17.00

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