Уроки Медитации
Книга подготовлена коллективом поректа Уроки Медитации и содержит основы философии Пути Блаженства. Read more
Russian - Русский, Social Philosophy, Spiritual Philosophy, Yoga
Книга подготовлена коллективом поректа Уроки Медитации и содержит основы философии Пути Блаженства. Read more
Russian - Русский, Social Philosophy, Spiritual Philosophy, Yoga
Ананда Вани самграха: сборник духовных посланий Шри Шри Анандамурти Read more
Russian - Русский, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Titles, Social Philosophy, Spiritual Philosophy
Книга представляет собой сборник рассуждений о неогуманизме, целостной философской теории, разработанной Саркаром и являющейся частью философии Ананда Марги. Read more
Russian - Русский, Shrii P. R. Sarkar titles, Social Philosophy
Серия «Субхашита самграха» («Собрание бесед») объединяет все беседы, данные Шри Шри Анандамурти на больших духовных программах – дхармамахачакрах (ДМС). Read more
Russian - Русский, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Titles, Social Philosophy, Spiritual Philosophy
Серия «Субхашита самграха» («Собрание бесед») объединяет все беседы, данные Шри Шри Анандамурти на больших духовных программах – дхармамахачакрах (ДМС). Read more
Russian - Русский, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Titles, Social Philosophy, Spiritual Philosophy
Шри Шри Анандамурти: Субхашита самграха, часть 3 Серия «Субхашита самграха» («Собрание бесед») объединяет все беседы, данные Шри Шри Анандамурти на больших духовных программах – дхармамахачакрах (ДМС). В настоящее время сборник состоит из 25 томов. Для учеников эти беседы считаются очень важными для понимания философии их Мастера. Дхармамахачакры, большие духовные собрания, возглавляемые Шри Шри Анандамурти, проводились […] Read more
Russian - Русский, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Titles, Social Philosophy, Spiritual Philosophy
Коллекция коротких наводящих на размышления выдержек из речей Шри Прабхата Райджана Саркара. Read more
Russian - Русский, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Titles, Social Philosophy, Spiritual Philosophy
Эти беседы посвящены различным темам, таким как духовная философия, духовная практика, история и культура Read more
Russian - Русский, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Titles, Social Philosophy
Эти беседы посвящены различным темам, таким как духовная философия, духовная практика, история и культура Read more
Russian - Русский, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Titles, Social Philosophy
Чарьячарья — это самаджа-шастра (социальный трактат) Ананда Марги. Эти три тома излагают как организацию, так и культурную основу движения Ананда Марга. Read more
Russian - Русский, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Titles, Social Philosophy
Чарьячарья — это самаджа-шастра (социальный трактат) Ананда Марги. Эти три тома излагают как организацию, так и культурную основу движения Ананда Марга. Read more
Russian - Русский, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Titles, Social Philosophy
Книга представляет собой сборник рассуждений о неогуманизме, целостной философской теории, разработанной Саркаром и являющейся частью философии Ананда Марги. Read more
E-Books, Russian - Русский, Shrii P. R. Sarkar titles, Social Philosophy, Social Science
The Conscious Universe by Devashish. Only available for shipping within the USA. Ananda Sutram is a modern-day exposition of Tantric philosophy composed in 1961 by the Indian sage and Tantric master Shrii Shrii Anandamurti. Over the course of eighty-five succinct and challenging sutras, it follows the river of Tantra into the present day, and along […] Read more
Compilations, English, Other Authors titles, Shrii P. R. Sarkar titles, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Titles, Social Philosophy, Spiritual Philosophy
With Microvita Theory we are in the presence of a new line of thinking. Microvita Theory provides a different context for the interpretation of life. Read more
Compilations, English, Shrii P. R. Sarkar titles, Social Philosophy, Special
A collection of short thought-provoking excerpts from discourses by Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar. Read more
The approach of PROUT is subjective approach through objective adjustment. This presupposes a connecting link between intuition and intellect. Read more
Compilations, English, Shrii P. R. Sarkar titles, Social Philosophy
Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is the Dharma Guru of era. But what we ask, is a Dharma Guru? A Dharma Guru literally means a preceptor of righteousness. Read more
Compilations, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Titles, Social Philosophy, Spiritual Philosophy
The book is a compilation of discourses on Neohumanism, the holistic philosophical theory elaborated by Sarkar and part of the philosophy of Ananda Marga. Read more
The author’s most essential social discourses, conveniently compiled in a series of parts. Read more
Discourses on Neohumanist Education is a compilation of discourses by Shrii P. R. Sarkar on Neuhumanistic Education. It is an important book for all teachers of NHE and others interested in this field. Read more
Compilations, English, Shrii P. R. Sarkar titles, Social Philosophy, Social Science
This discourse examines the benefits and limitations of patriotism. Read more
Throughout his life, the author was deeply concerned about the conditions of women in society. He supported the emancipation of women from the bonds of dogma and ignorance. Read more
Compilations, English, Shrii P. R. Sarkar titles, Social Philosophy, Spiritual Philosophy
Gondwanaland was a super–continent that existed hundreds of millions of years ago. And the very oldest part of that continent later came to be called Rarh. Read more
Proutist Economics has brought all of the author’s published discourses on economics together in one volume for the first time. Read more
Compilations, English, Shrii P. R. Sarkar titles, Social Philosophy, Social Science
An analysis of the main social problems of today, dedicated to Subhash Chandra Bose, revolutionary leader of Indian independence. Read more
ssues of disunity and discord around the globe are usually all too clear. These discourses elaborate the many powerful elements of unity that can eventually reunite the human family. Read more
The author details how a universal spiritual outlook can unify all of humanity, and, in contrast, how our current limitations keep millions of human and other living beings from realizing their potential. Read more
Compilations, English, Shrii P. R. Sarkar titles, Social Philosophy
The author describes the importance of freeing the human intellect from limitation and divisive dogma, and of curbing exploitative tendencies. Read more
Compilations, English, Shrii P. R. Sarkar titles, Social Philosophy
The concept of Microvita, introduced for the first time on 31 December 1986 by P.R. Sarkar, is expanded and discussed under various aspects on this book Read more
Compilations, English, Shrii P. R. Sarkar titles, Social Philosophy, Social Science
In his two-part Human Society series, the author has chosen to depart from chronological order: analyzing modern society in the first part of the series, and then delving into human history, and human macro history, in the second part. Read more
Mahábhárata literally means “Great India”. Hence Mahábhárata became the name both for a campaign led by Krsna to unify India, and for the epic composition about that campaign. Read more
A summary of lectures delivered by P. R. Sarkar to the first conference of Proutists. Read more
Compilations, English, Shrii P. R. Sarkar titles, Social Philosophy, Social Science
After Capitalism – Economic Democracy in Action by Dada Maheshvarananda A grassroots movement for economic democracy based on cooperatives and local economies is quickly growing throughout the planet. After Capitalism, inspired by P.R. Sarkar’s Progressive Utilization Theory (Prout), offers a compelling vision of an equitable, sustainable model that economically empowers individuals and communities. Filled with […] Read more
Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar original writings on the topic of Neo-Humanism has been compiled by Prof. Dhanjoo Ghista in the attempt to make them readily available for a greater public of intellectuals and progressive thinkers. Read more
Compilations, E-Books, Shrii P. R. Sarkar titles, Social Philosophy
Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar original writings on the topic of Neo-Humanism has been compiled by Prof. Dhanjoo Ghista in the attempt to make them readily available for a greater public of intellectuals and progressive thinkers. Read more
Compilations, English, Shrii P. R. Sarkar titles, Social Philosophy
This part contains all the dos and don’ts related to physical health that must be followed for progress in mental and spiritual sádhaná. Read more
English, Health & Diet, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Titles, Social Philosophy, Yoga
Part 2 gives many guidelines for conduct in a progressive society – i.e., a society of individuals moving towards the Supreme. Read more
Caryácarya is the samája shástra (social treatise) of Ananda Marga. These three volumes set out both the organization and the cultural basis of the Ananda Marga movement. Read more